Your Trusted

Central NY DWI Lawyers

Being charged with a DWI can be overwhelming, but with the DWI TEAM, a successful comeback starts here. Trust our local, experienced, DWI-focused team to deliver a defense that protects your future and turns setbacks into powerful comebacks.


Free Consultation

The process was so smooth. They really cut down my anxiety. I just loved working with them.


The DWI TEAM Difference

The DWI GUYS, now expanded to the DWI TEAM with even more resources, were founded on the principle: "If you judge, you cannot serve." With extensive DWI experience and over $22 million in retained clients, we understand the immense stress of a DWI charge and are here to help. Our years of focused representation prepare us to defend against any situation that may arise.

Our Best Price Promise sets us apart from other law firms, ensuring we meet or beat any other DWI-focused attorney's fee for the same service. This commitment to high-quality yet affordable representation provides clients peace of mind and helps us excel at turning setbacks into comebacks.

Free Consultation

Underage DWI


Drivers under 21 with a BAC of 0.02% or higher face license suspension and fines under New York's Zero Tolerance Law, in addition to other penalties for higher BAC levels.

Types of DWI Cases We Handle

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

Applies to drivers under 21 with a BAC between 0.02% and 0.07%, resulting in license suspension and mandatory educational programs.



Operating a vehicle while impaired by a combination of alcohol and drugs, leading to severe penalties under New York law.

First Time DWI


A first-time DWI offense, carrying penalties such as fines, license suspension, and potential jail time, but less severe than repeat offenses.

Aggravated DWI


Charged when a driver has a BAC of 0.18% or higher, leading to harsher penalties than standard DWI.

Second Offense


A repeat DWI within ten years results in harsher penalties, including longer license suspension, higher fines, and possible imprisonment.

Felony DWI


A DWI offense elevated to a felony due to previous convictions or other aggravating circumstances, leading to harsher penalties including longer imprisonment.

DWI with Bodily


Driving while intoxicated and causing injury to another person results in enhanced charges and severe penalties, including felony charges.

First Time DWI


A first-time DWI offense, carrying penalties such as fines, license suspension, and potential jail time, but less severe than repeat offenses.

DWI with Refusal


Refusing a chemical test when suspected of DWI, leading to immediate license suspension, fines, and additional penalties beyond those for the DWI charge itself.

Chemical Refusal


Refusing to take a chemical test when suspected of DWI, resulting in immediate license suspension and potential additional penalties.

Driving Impaired by
Drugs or Alcohol


Operating a vehicle while impaired by drugs, which carries similar penalties to alcohol-related DWAI offenses.

Hit & Run DWI


Leaving the scene of an accident while intoxicated, which results in serious criminal charges including additional penalties for fleeing the scene.



Operating a vehicle while impaired by a combination of alcohol and drugs, leading to severe penalties under New York law.

Driving While Ability
Impaired by Drugs


Operating a vehicle with a BAC between 0.05% and 0.07%, or while impaired by drugs, resulting in penalties less severe than DWI.

Vehicular Assault


Causing serious physical injury while driving under the influence, classified as a Class D felony with severe penalties.



Causing physical injury while driving under the influence, classified as a Class E felony with substantial penalties.



Causing death while driving under the influence is a severe felony with substantial prison time and fines.

Why No one can defend you like us

Experienced Local DWI- Focused Team

When legal assistants, paralegals, advocates, interns, law clerks, and attorneys focus on one area of law, such as DWI, they accumulate more knowledge, surpassing what most attorneys acquire in a lifetime. We believe this focused experience allows us to achieve better and faster results for our clients, providing peace of mind that their case is handled by experts dedicated to securing the best possible outcome

Dennis J. Nave

Managing Partner

Ralph Habib

Senior Attorney

Hanna Renna


Robert Babcock

Senior Attorney

Andrew T. Geisler

Associate Attorney

Jennifer Bisson

Senior Paralegal

James R. Maloney


Adam Willman


Sydney Maiman


Karl Manne


Affordable, Premium
DWI-Focused Representation.

Get top-tier DWI representation at a price you can afford that will give you peace of mind. Our transparent, flat-fee pricing and flexible payment plans suit your needs and budget. With our Best Price Promise, you're guaranteed the lowest price for DWI-focused legal services. We will match or beat competitors' prices for the same services, ensuring you get the best value.

The DWI TEAM Process

Advocate First...Money Second

When you contact the DWI TEAM, we will listen to your story, create a timeline of events, discuss your concerns, and answer any questions that can be answered at this point in the process. If you decide it’s in your best interest to have an attorney protect you, we will discuss our fees. As home of the DWI Team Best Price Promise you can be sure you are receiving the best value AND service for your money. If needed, we can discuss payment plans, so you don’t have to sacrifice the quality of your representation over money.

Initial Conversation

Once retained, your legal team will review your case in greater detail. In this conversation, your legal team will review things such as the incident in even more detail, food consumed, medications, medical history, job, volunteering, and much more. If unhappy after that initial conversation, we will either find you a new attorney or refund your money, that’s part of our money back guarantee.


This is likely the first time you will be in court. Because of this, it may create a high level of anxiety; however, we will communicate with you before anything happens so that nothing will shock you in court. At the arraignment, the Judge reads the charges you are being faced with, and you may enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. Unless we have already worked out a satisfactory deal prior, we will enter a plea of “not guilty.” We do this because we want to see the evidence BEFORE you plead guilty to anything.

Discovery & Fact Gathering

After the arraignment, your legal team will request “discovery” materials from the prosecution, which is all the evidence the government may have against you, such as Tickets, accusatory instruments, admissions, police reports, witness statements, videos, photos, etc. In many situations, if it makes sense, we will have you review these materials to ensure its accurate with your recollection. At this point, This information helps with clarity in building a defense. From there, the legal team may file motions to challenge some of the allegations and preserve your rights to keep the prosecution from using evidence against you

Strategy Development

When reviewing cases, we have a detailed approach. This includes many things, such as Officer Errors/Assumptions, your story as a human, our relationship with the court/prosecution, history, and risk/reward.


Plea bargaining is the process that allows your legal team to meet with the prosecutor to understand what they feel are the strengths and weaknesses of your case and try to negotiate a compromise that works to accomplish your goals and overcome your concerns. Negotiation can take place to reduce your charges and penalty by pleading guilty to lesser charges. Plea bargaining may or may not be available to you, but we will help you understand when a plea bargain may or may not be in your best interest. After meeting with the prosecutor, we will communicate that conversation within 24 hours. In addition, to further help you understand, any offer we negotiate will be provided to you in writing.


If you are unhappy with any of the plea bargain options and wish to continue to fight your case, we will meet with our trial litigation team to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a trial. If needed, we can access expert witnesses such as accident reconstructionists, toxicologists, etc.

Ready to start your comeback?

Let us show you how our expertise can make a difference in your case. Contact us for a free consultation with our Syracuse DWI Team today and take the first step towards turning setbacks into comebacks.

Free Consultation

Contact Us

Questions? Need guidance? Reach out now for a conversation that could change the course of your future. Our Syracuse DWI lawyers are here to help.

Serving all of
Central NY.

Onondaga, Oneida, Oswego, Madison, Cortland, Cayuga, & Seneca.

Disclaimer | Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

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Underage DWI

Drivers under 21 with a BAC of 0.02% or higher face license suspension and fines under New York's Zero Tolerance Law, in addition to other penalties for higher BAC levels.


Applies to drivers under 21 with a BAC between 0.02% and 0.07%, resulting in license suspension and mandatory educational programs.


Operating a vehicle while impaired by a combination of alcohol and drugs, leading to severe penalties under New York law.


A first-time DWI offense, carrying penalties such as fines, license suspension, and potential jail time, but less severe than repeat offenses.


Charged when a driver has a BAC of 0.18% or higher, leading to harsher penalties than standard DWI.


A repeat DWI offense within ten years of the first, leading to harsher penalties including longer license suspension, higher fines, and potential imprisonment.


A DWI offense elevated to a felony due to previous convictions or other aggravating circumstances, leading to harsher penalties including longer imprisonment.


Driving while intoxicated and causing physical injury to another person, resulting in enhanced charges and severe penalties including felony charges.


A first-time DWI offense, carrying penalties such as fines, license suspension, and potential jail time, but less severe than repeat offenses.


Refusing a chemical test when suspected of DWI, leading to immediate license suspension, fines, and additional penalties beyond those for the DWI charge itself.


Refusing to take a chemical test when suspected of DWI, resulting in immediate license suspension and potential additional penalties.


Refusing to take a chemical test when suspected of DWI, resulting in immediate license suspension and potential additional penalties.


Leaving the scene of an accident while intoxicated, which results in serious criminal charges including additional penalties for fleeing the scene.


Operating a vehicle while impaired by a combination of alcohol and drugs, leading to severe penalties under New York law.


Operating a vehicle with a BAC between 0.05% and 0.07%, or while impaired by drugs, resulting in penalties less severe than DWI.


Causing serious physical injury while driving under the influence, classified as a Class D felony with severe penalties.


Causing physical injury while driving under the influence, classified as a Class E felony with substantial penalties.


Causing the death of another person while driving under the influence, classified as a severe felony offense with substantial prison time and fines.

Client-First Approach in Every Case

Aggravated DWI
DWI Felony
First Time DWI
DWI Refusal

Aggravated DWI

People V. JS

Our client in this case has had ongoing issues of PTSD due to his military service. These issues facilitated his making a poor choice to drink and drive, he was ultimately stopped and arrested at a roadblock. Our client had a previous DWAI so it was the DA’s policy to not reduce this charge as it was his second offense. Our team wanted to help our client with not only his mental issues but to avoid a criminal conviction. We helped our client get into some intensive counseling that was specific to his PTSD and his military service. Through such counseling and treatment, our client was able to demonstrate that in dealing with his ongoing issues he was taking this matter seriously and that it should not be an issue for him in future. Our team was able to demonstrate these factors to the ADA and show that while our client had made poor decisions, he was particularly deserving of some consideration due to his service to our country. We were able to persuade the prosecutor to deviate from the policy and give our client another chance to avoid being labeled as a criminal. The hard work of our team and our client made it possible for him to plead to the non criminal violation of DWAI. Without the extra efforts of our team and client he could have ended up in a much worse situation.

People V. MH

Our client’s initial offer was to plead guilty to a DWI, with a BAC of .27. This would leave our client with a criminal record for the rest of his life. We believed there was an issue with the stop, so we pushed forward. At hearings the officer said he stopped the vehicle because of a welfare check. He admitted there were no traffic infractions and that the stop was based solely on the concern for the wife. After the hearings, we submitted a memo of law outlining our issues. In the end, the Judge ruled that this was in fact, a bad stop and suppressed all the evidence and as a result, the case was dismissed.

People V. WJ

Police charged our client with an Aggravated DWI for having an alleged BAC of 0.18, Unlawful Possession of Marihuana, and Drinking Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle. Our client also had an extensive criminal history that included multiple felony convictions which included state prison. By exploring potential issues with the People’s case with the District Attorney, we were able to negotiate a reduction to DWAI, a traffic infraction, and Disorderly Conduct, a noncriminal offense. We also were able to convince the court to impose minimum fines for these offenses

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome


People V. SB

Our client, a commercial driver with a CDL license, was parked by the side of the road in his truck. He had a passenger that was also a commercial driver who was about to take over driving. Our client had a beer in his hand that he was drinking with his lunch. Despite this explanation, and the testimony of the other driver, officers who arrived on the scene ran our client through field sobriety tests and charged him with DWI in a Commercial Vehicle. This would have cost our client his employment, heavy fines and state surcharges, possible jail time, and would have resulted in the loss of his CDL for at least one year.

Our attorneys prepared pre-trial hearings and held a conference with the judge and prosecutor. After Nave DWI Defense Attorneys attorneys described our client’s case and our potential arguments at trial, the prosecution resolved the case by offering our client a single count of “Parked on Pavement,” a no-point traffic ticket. Our client kept his job, his license, his CDL, and the money he would have had to pay in fines and surcharges.

People V. DH

Our client holds a Commercial Driver’s License (“CDL”) and drives a truck for a shipping company. After drinking some beers he was involved in a property damage accident and blew a .15 after consenting to a Breathalyzer test. He was ticketed with 2 counts DWI, Speed Not Reasonable/Prudent, and Refusal to Take Breath Test. Any alcohol related conviction would result in a one year loss of his CDL and loss of his employment. After our attorneys submitted an appeal to the ADA handling the case, our client was allowed to enter a plea to one count of Reckless Driving, along with 90 days SCRAM, and a $2,000 dollar donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. Our client was thrilled he was able to keep his job. He called yesterday to thank us for allowing him to keep his career and provide for his family. He had no problem with the donation since his son is currently a United States Marine.

People V. JH

It was alleged our client had a BAC of 0.21 and was involved in a bad motor vehicle accident. He also had a CDL which he needed for his job. Any type of alcohol related conviction would have caused him to lose his CDL for at least 1 year and, as a consequence, his job. After a pre-trial hearing in which the weakness of the prosecution’s case was explored, the District Attorney offered a reduction to a non-alcohol charge of Reckless Driving that allowed our client to keep his CDL and his job.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome

DWI Felony

People V. SI

Client was arrested after an off-duty police officer observed what he believed to be signs of intoxication. Our client had faced DWI charges before in his past, and the prosecution was unwilling to offer anything but 1-3 years in State Prison. Our attorneys reviewed the video tape showing the arrest and the evidence that supported that arrest. A number of weaknesses and inconsistencies were discovered, and our attorneys used these factors to convince the prosecution to offer a sentence of straight probation. Our client did not serve one day in jail and was able to continue his employment, although the first offer from the prosecution would have had him spending months, if not years, in state prison.

People V. RB

Our client was changing a tire well off the roadside when approached by police. The police initiated a DWI investigation although our client was not alone and it was not clear who had been driving the vehicle. Our client failed the field sobriety tests and a breathalyzer revealed a BAC of .08. Our client was charged with 2 counts of felony DWI and other offenses as well. Our trial team took this case to trial and, after a 3 day jury trial, our client was found not guilty of all offenses. Our client was a decorated Veteran wounded in battle in Somalia, and after finding him not guilty, the jury came over and shook our client’s hand. Our client was spared an unwarranted felony conviction, his license was restored, and he avoided jail or prison, thanks to the hard work of the Nave DWI Defense Attorneys trial team.

People V. AC

Our client was charged with an E Felony DWI, speed and moving from lane unsafely at 2:11 a.m. Nave DWI Defense Attorneys took over this case after another attorney had it and was recommending that the client take a plea to the felony and spend 1 to 3 years in State Prison. Our client didn’t want to do any state time or plead to a felony because he works for his family business and it would have created a huge hardship for him to be away for any extended period of time. With the only option being to go to trial, our attorneys tried the case, and at the end of the trial, told the jury that there simply wasn’t proof beyond a reasonable doubt that our client was guilty. The jury agreed, and found our client guilty of the traffic offense of DWAI. This victory at trial means this Nave DWI Defense Attorneys client avoids state prison, a felony, Probation, and can keep working and supporting his family.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome

First Time DWI

People V. JL

Our client, a schoolteacher with no prior criminal record, was pulled over for a minor traffic violation and subsequently arrested for DWI. Despite the evidence against him, our attorneys argued that the traffic stop was unconstitutional. We filed a motion to suppress all evidence obtained as a result of the stop. The judge agreed, ruling that the police did not have a valid reason to stop our client's vehicle. As a result, all charges were dismissed. Our client was able to retain his teaching license and continue his career without a criminal record.

People V. NM

Our client, a nurse, was arrested for a First Time DWI after being pulled over for swerving. She had a BAC of .09. Our attorneys demonstrated that the breathalyzer used was not properly calibrated and had a history of producing inaccurate results. We also presented evidence of our client's impeccable record and contributions to the community. The prosecution agreed to reduce the charges to a non-criminal violation of DWAI, allowing our client to avoid a criminal record and retain her nursing license.

People V. GR

Our client, a recent college graduate, was stopped at a sobriety checkpoint and arrested for DWI. With a BAC of .10, he faced severe penalties that could impact his future employment opportunities. Our legal team argued that the checkpoint was not conducted in accordance with legal standards. After presenting our case, the prosecution agreed to a plea deal, reducing the charge to a traffic infraction with a minimal fine. Our client avoided a criminal record and was able to start his career without the burden of a DWI conviction.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome

DWI Refusal

People V. KR

Our client lost control of her vehicle on snow-covered roads, striking a snowbank and was knocked unconscious. Despite this, she was forced to perform field sobriety tests and refused the breathalyzer. Charged with DWI, Refusal, and other violations, our attorneys argued that she should have received medical assistance. The prosecution reduced all charges to a single traffic infraction, and the refusal was dismissed, averting a one-year license loss.

People V. WM

Our client, a Veteran with severe injuries, turned the wrong way on a one-way street and was arrested for DWI and refusal after being subjected to field sobriety tests despite his artificial limb. Our attorneys pushed the matter to trial, resulting in a plea to a traffic ticket for driving the wrong way and winning the refusal hearing, protecting his license.

People V. AB

Our client, charged with DWI and refusal, was shown to have no criminal history and did not pose an ongoing threat. By negotiating with the ADA and officers, our attorneys kept the client's license intact during the case and secured an equitable result, allowing the client to accept responsibility without devastating consequences.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome

Most Recent Results

    • First Time DWI

      People V. NM

      Our client, a nurse, was arrested for a First Time DWI after being pulled over for swerving. She had a BAC of .09. Our attorneys demonstrated that the breathalyzer used was not properly calibrated and had a history of producing inaccurate results. We also presented evidence of our client's impeccable record and contributions to the community. The prosecution agreed to reduce the charges to a non-criminal violation of DWAI, allowing our client to avoid a criminal record and retain her nursing license.

    • Aggravated DWI

      People V. WJ

      Police charged our client with an Aggravated DWI for having an alleged BAC of 0.18, Unlawful Possession of Marihuana, and Drinking Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle. Our client also had an extensive criminal history that included multiple felony convictions which included state prison. By exploring potential issues with the People’s case with the District Attorney, we were able to negotiate a reduction to DWAI, a traffic infraction, and Disorderly Conduct, a noncriminal offense. We also were able to convince the court to impose minimum fines for these offenses

      Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome

    • DWI CDL

      People V. JH

      It was alleged our client had a BAC of 0.21 and was involved in a bad motor vehicle accident. He also had a CDL which he needed for his job. Any type of alcohol related conviction would have caused him to lose his CDL for at least 1 year and, as a consequence, his job. After a pre-trial hearing in which the weakness of the prosecution’s case was explored, the District Attorney offered a reduction to a non-alcohol charge of Reckless Driving that allowed our client to keep his CDL and his job.

      Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome

    • DWI Felony

      People V. SI

      Client was arrested after an off-duty police officer observed what he believed to be signs of intoxication. Our client had faced DWI charges before in his past, and the prosecution was unwilling to offer anything but 1-3 years in State Prison. Our attorneys reviewed the video tape showing the arrest and the evidence that supported that arrest. A number of weaknesses and inconsistencies were discovered, and our attorneys used these factors to convince the prosecution to offer a sentence of straight probation. Our client did not serve one day in jail and was able to continue his employment, although the first offer from the prosecution would have had him spending months, if not years, in state prison.

    • DWI Refusal

      People V. WM

      Our client, a Veteran with severe injuries, turned the wrong way on a one-way street and was arrested for DWI and refusal after being subjected to field sobriety tests despite his artificial limb. Our attorneys pushed the matter to trial, resulting in a plea to a traffic ticket for driving the wrong way and winning the refusal hearing, protecting his license.